In the last 365 days we've tracked:
💰 $12 Billion in Gross Merchant Volume
📊 $2.23 Billion in Ad Spend
🛍️ 140 Million Orders
🌍 In 50+ Countries
Access Triple Whale Benchmarks
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Click on the cog in the upper right hand corner of your summary page
Choose “Customize Summary”
Scroll down until you see “Benchmarks”
Click the “+” icon, then move the section to your desired location on your summary page
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What filters are available for Triple Benchmarks?
  • Art
  • Baby
  • Books
  • Car & Truck Parts
  • Cell Phones & Accessories
  • Clothing
  • Collectibles
  • Computers
  • Crafts
  • Digital Products
  • Electronics
  • Fashion Accessories
  • Food & Beverages
  • Health & Beauty
  • Home & Garden
  • Jewelry & Watches
  • Office Products
  • Pet Supplies
  • Shoes
  • Sporting Goods
  • Toys & Hobbies
Average Order Value (Average over the last 90 days (rolling))
  • <$25
  • $25-50
  • $50-75
  • $75-100
  • $100-150
  • $150
Blended Monthly Ad Spend (Average over the last 3 months (updated at the end of each month))
  • <$10k
  • $10-20k
  • $20-50k
  • $50-100k
  • $100-250k
  • $250k
What metrics are available in Triple Benchmarks?
  • Facebook CPM $ (Cost per thousand impressions) = Total Amount Spent / Total Impressions x 1000
  • Facebook CTR % (Click Thru Rate) = (Total link clicks / Total impressions) x 100
  • Facebook CPC $(Cost per Link Click) = Facebook Ad Spend / Total link clicks
  • Blended ROAS (# i.e. 5.5) = Sales / Blended Ad Spend
  • NC-ROAS (new customer return on ad spend) (# i.e. 2.50) = New Customer revenue / Blended Ad Spend
  • NCPA (New Customer Cost per Aqcuisition) ($ i.e. $30) = Blended Ad Spend / Count of New Customers